A trip arranged to see some of the “exotic” government aircraft attending a summit . Unfortunately security was so tight that photography was banned around the airport and I only managed to get a few shots of the regular aircraft movements with a standard/wide angle zoom from within the terminal as we waited for our flight home.
- 5N-FGT B737-7N6 (BBJ)
- PH-BXA B737-8K2
- 4X-EHA B737-958ER
- TC-CPE B737-82R
- PK-GPN Airbus A330-243
- B-2082 B777-F6N
- PH-BQM B777-206ER
- PZ-TCP Airbus A340-311
- B-6532 Airbus A330-223
- Down & Out in Schiphol airport
- A6-EYF Airbus A330-243
- G-ETAT Airbus A319-111
- SU-GCZ B737-866
- PH-AOA Airbus A330-203
- A6-EDV Airbus A380- 861
- TC-JHS B737-8F2
- PH-BFF B747-406
- PZ-TCP Airbus A340-311 on push-back
- PH-EZE Embraer EMB190-100
- PH-HSA B737-8K2
- PH-BVG B777-306ER
- 5Y-KYZ B777-2U8ER
- CN-ROJ B737-85P
- Is it time to go home yet?
- LN-DYH B737-8JP
- PH-BFA B747-406
- HL-8276 Airbus A330-223
- VQ-BIA B747-4KZF